Friday, February 07, 2025

Each minute will be a highly-engaging, practical, and extremely productive interaction totally focused on accomplishing the agreed-upon objectives and tasks. This option is available when a site visit is not required and we can work together over the phone and over a remote desktop (screen sharing) session. Passionate and knowledgeable, we aspire to be the type of investors and leaders we sought to have around our own boards when we were building our companies. We offer our management teams our collective insights and operational expertise to support your efforts to build a great company. At least one hour prior to the close of project, we will define clear Next Steps... and agreed upon by all parties. We will follow up with a 30 minute phone call within 48 hours to ensure said tasks are being followed through and to answer any questions.


Before Engaging, Here's What We Need From You...

  • Define, prioritize, and mutually agree on clear objectives and deliverables before arrival to maximize your ROI.
  • Confirm that required resources will be available during our visit, including SMEs (Subject Matter Experts), Facilities, Technologies, Products, etc.
  • If travel outside of DFW is required, agree on approved travel expenses, ie: Airfare, Fuel, Meals, Overnight Stay.

Already completed the checklist? Let's move forward, agree on project objectives, deliverables, and terms by emailing us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or dialing (214) 620-4768.